[av_one_third first] [av_gallery ids=’903′ style=’big_thumb’ preview_size=’square’ crop_big_preview_thumbnail=’avia-gallery-big-crop-thumb’ thumb_size=’square’ columns=’5′ imagelink=’lightbox’ lazyload = 'avia_lazyload'] [/av_one_third] [av_one_half] [av_productlist categories=’38’ columns=’1′ items=’9′ offset=’0′ sort=’0′ paginate=’yes’ link_behavior=’add_cart’ show_images=’yes’] [/av_one_half] [av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’] [av_one_full first] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Family Kambalame (Grandmother & 5 grandchildren)
Residence: Mazengera, Ndiwo, Khongo

Grandmother is taking care of 5 grandchildren / orphans. Unfortunately she doesn't have the resources to do so. She had a small harvest this year and has not enough food to feed all the children . The grandmother is old and can't find work more. One of the grandchildren (Yasin) is HIV positive and needs healthy and varieted food to survive. Diana lives in the Africare house . The Foundation supports Afriana grandma with food.

Mother: Rose Ziduka, died (HIV/TBC) June 2013
Father: Isn't supporting family
1.) Innocent chimaimba 2003
2.) Yasini Kambalame 2009
3.) Diana Kambalame 2012 (lives in the Africare house)

Mother: Abiti Ziduka, died (HIV/TBC) November 2013
Father: isn't supporting family
4.) Nezasi Yekinala 2005
5.) Wilison Yekinala 2007
6.) Felestar Yeki 2009

Guardian: Nelia Mikitoni
Related: Grandmother
Occupation: Farmer
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