Esintha Kalikokha

Esinta Kalikokha is born 28 September 2014. Her mother has four children, all a lot older than Esinta. De oudste is 18, the second 16, the third 14 and the fourth 10. Esinta is the fifth child and currently 11 months old. Begin augustus 2015 The mother became ill Esinta. On February 26 August she was admitted to the Hospital Nkhoma. The mother was HIV positive Esinta. Her condition deteriorated rapidly and 3 September, she died of advanced HIV and tuberculoze. On the day that the mother died of Esinta(Mountain View Kalikokha) died, Esinta was also diagnosed with tuberculosis and hospitalized. The family went to the funeral and Esinta stay with me behind because there was no one to care for her. Esinta's grandmother is deceased years ago. Esinta has an aunt, but which is very old and not able to take care of her.

Esinta is now for several days in the hospital but is still very ill. Persistent fever, diarrhea and cares about. She has no appetite which makes it difficult to feed her. Her HIV status is unknown, we are waiting for the results, which there will be within two weeks.

The father of Esinta looking for someone to take care of Esinta. Until then Esinta will dwell in the house Africare.
The tuberculosse of Esinta is detected at an early stage, yet she is very sick. She is weak and sleeps most of the day. Esinta Please keep in your prayers.

Mary and Diana are very happy with their new sister. They help provide me with food, baderen and dress. Esinta Once awake, they come to me to tell. If she cries they attract mn skirt and they run to her bed. They are two proud sisters!

The cost to sponsor his Esinta 45,- euro a month. Consider please to donate and give Esinta a chance to live.


On February everything children who need a sponsor.



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