Author Archives: AdminAfricare

Malawi Gallery in the Annakapel in Zundert!

What in 2019 started as Café Malawi, a spontaneous aid campaign for a children's home in Malawi, has grown into the MalawiShop in less than five years, a full-fledged and busy thrift store in Zundert. In recent years we have, except many second-hand goods, also a large collection of art, collected curiosities and special furniture. They deserve one […]

Nicole writes

In November Teleza and I visited the Netherlands. Teleza had been suffering from very bad teeth for a long time due to severe vomiting. The urinary medication she needed after her open heart surgery made her very nauseous, which resulted in a lot of vomiting. In addition, she has been given a lot of antibiotics, which is also not good for her […]


These are exciting times for Teleza, her mother and sisters and of course the family. Teleza was operated on in Leiden last week. She first underwent a catheterization and a heart valve was repaired that kept shooting into the pulmonary artery. After that, her heart has to recover and will have follow-up surgery as soon as she has strengthened sufficiently […]

Fiscal kindly give and bequeath to a charitable institution (version 2013)

  Schenk- and inheritance tax A charity institution pays no donate- and inheritance tax, provided this charity institution meets the requirements of the law. Also an important social institution looking after (sbbi) pay no pouring- and inheritance tax. A social interest looking after setting to include things like a band or a sports club.   a. ANBI A charity pays […]